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7 Tips and Tricks to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth At Home

Broadway Cosmetic Dentistry • Nov 17, 2021

Do you want whiter teeth? You can do it naturally at home with these tip and tricks. Read on to find out about seven ways to do it yourself, naturally.

whiten your teeth at home

Taking a look at all the teeth whitening products available in stores and online, it can quickly become overwhelming trying to figure out what works and what’s propaganda. Most of these products are filled with chemicals that can damage your teeth if used incorrectly.

Yellow stains and discolored teeth will cause the most confident person to be embarrassed by their smile. Luckily there are many natural remedies to whiten your teeth at home. 

Keep reading below for 7 tips and tricks to naturally whiten your teeth at home. 

What Causes Teeth to Look Yellow and How to Avoid It

Over time your shiny white teeth start to become dull and appear yellow as you get older. This happens as the tooth enamel, which is the outermost covering of your tooth, weakens or becomes thin over time. This causes the dentin underneath the tooth enamel to show. Dentin is a deep yellow to brownish material inside your teeth under the enamel. 

The truth is there are many factors that cause teeth to look yellow like smoking, diet, and poor oral hygiene just to name a few. The best way to avoid yellow teeth is to take your oral health seriously and visit a dentist near you at least twice a year. 

Here are 7 tips to naturally whiten your teeth at home.

1. Have Excellent Oral Hygiene

Want to know the first step for having a perfect set of white teeth? Brush your teeth regularly! Having proper oral hygiene is probably the most important thing you can do for your overall health.

Any dentist will tell you to practice oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily. If properly done after every meal it can help to prevent tooth decay, escape cavities, and avoid gum disease. The first step to whiter teeth is to simply practice excellent oral hygiene daily.

2. Practice Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a traditional Indian practice that involves swishing oil in your mouth. This natural remedy is used for removing bacteria and promoting oral hygiene.

This technique can help:

  • whiten teeth
  • reduce bad breath
  • may help prevent cavities
  • prevent plaque formation
  • kill bacteria in the mouth
  • reduce inflammation
  • improve gum health and oral hygiene

To practice oil pulling, take one tablespoon of oil in your mouth and squish it around for 15-20 minutes a few times per week. Coconut oil is one of the most popular oils used for this remedy as it offers a better flavor than most other oils. 

3. Brush With Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the most popular ingredients used in commercial toothpaste. It has natural teeth whitening properties that allow for a brighter smile when used daily. 

It can be used as a natural toothpaste and mouthwash and can help remove plaque buildup. Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, has mild abrasive properties that can help scrub away surface stains on teeth. It’s also much safer to use than most expensive over-the-counter teeth whitening products. 

To use baking soda as a natural toothpaste mix water and the baking soda together to make a paste. Use the paste to brush a few times per week. To use baking soda as a mouthwash simply mix it together with water and swish it around your mouth as you would any other mouth wash. 

4. Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is a mild bleach that can be used to help remove stains and whiten teeth for a brighter smile. It can be used as a toothpaste or a mouthwash and can help to kill bacteria in the mouth. When safely combined with baking soda it will make a paste that you can use a few times a week to whiten your smile.

When using hydrogen peroxide, you should be very careful not to ingest any as it can be very harmful if consumed. Teeth sensitivity is very common when using peroxide too often. This is because it can be harmful and damage the enamel when using high concentrations of peroxide too often. 

Use hydrogen peroxide as a toothpaste or mouthwash to whiten your teeth at home. Be sure to mix equal parts of water to peroxide to make a mouthwash. 

5. Visit Your Dentist Twice a Year for Preventative Dental Care

One of the best tips to naturally whiten your teeth is to keep up with your annual dentist visits. Visiting your local dental office a minimum of twice a year for a cleaning and oral examination will help to keep your teeth white. 

Brushing and flossing daily is great but those alone won’t protect you from plaque and tartar buildup forming in hard-to-reach places. A professional cleaning twice a year will help keep your oral health in check. To keep your teeth healthy, maintain a twice a year visit to a dentist near you. 

6. Eat Fruits and Vegetables

The health benefits gained from consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables are widely known. But did you know that they can also be great for your oral health? Eating crunchy vegetables like carrots or celery help to scrub and remove plaque and tough stains as you chew. 

A few proclaimed fruits that are rumored to aid in teeth whitening are pineapple, strawberry, and papaya. Papain and bromelain are enzymes found in papayas and pineapple that are said to help whiten teeth by removing stains. Strawberries contain malic acid which helps with discoloration and helps them appear whiter. 

Maintaining a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help your overall oral health. 

7. Schedule a Professional Teeth Whitening Session

Sometimes the best way to get the most attractive smile is by visiting a professional who is skilled in teeth whitening. Schedule an appointment with your local dental office for a teeth whitening service.

If you plan to keep up with your oral hygiene then your dentist should be at the top of your list to ensure overall oral health. Combining natural at-home teeth whitening remedies with consistent care from your local dentist. This will help provide the white teeth you’ve been missing. 

Learn to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth at Home With These 7 Tips and Tricks

Good oral hygiene is essential to your overall health. Figuring out how to naturally whiten your teeth at home starts with practicing preventative dental care techniques at home. Good oral hygiene, oil pulling, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide combined with professional help will help give you the white teeth you’ve been missing.

Looking for help to naturally brighten your smile? Contact us today for a cleaning and oral examination!

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