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How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?

Broadway Cosmetic Dentistry • Feb 28, 2021

How often should you visit the dentist? From your regular teeth cleaning to more advanced procedures, consider when you should visit the dentist!

visit the dentist

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), Americans spent $124 billion on dental care in 2016. That figure has been rising almost without cease since at least 1990.

Considering the size of that figure, you may be wondering whether we all need to visit the dentist as often as we do.

But before you cancel your next appointment, keep two things in mind. One, that $126 billion still only accounts for 3.7% of all health spending. Relatively speaking, dental care is a (very valuable) drop in the bucket.

Second, regular dental checkups are one of the best things you can do to protect your teeth and avoid much more serious problems later on.

Calculating the precise number of visits you need each year is actually a very individual question.

The Standard Advice: Twice a Year

The advice you will see most often is to visit the dentist every six months. However, there have not been many standardized clinical trials to support that figure. Overall, the scientific evidence for twice-yearly visits is small.

Nevertheless, most people still follow that schedule, probably because that is what their dental insurance covers. The ADA reports that over half of American adults visit the dentist twice a year. Another 15% visit once each year.

Still, one in five American adults have not visited the dentist once in the last few years. Among those people, the most common reasons (according to that same ADA report) for avoiding the dentist are:

  • Cost (59%)
  • Fear of the dentist (22%)
  • Inconvenient appointment times or locations (19%)

Anxiety about going to the dentist is a real and common fear. Rationally though, it makes much more sense to be afraid of your teeth falling out.

Factors Affecting Your Dental Visit Schedule

After that standard advice, it's worth stressing that there is no real one-size-fits-all solution to how often you should go to the dentist. Numerous variables can make you more or less susceptible to dental problems, including:

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Existing medical conditions
  • Previous dental history
  • Lifestyle choices like diet or smoking
  • How well and often you clean your teeth

The Effects of Tobacco Use

As detailed above, if you smoke or use other tobacco products often, you may want to schedule more regular dental appointments.

Smoking weakens your immune system, making it harder to fight off infections, and prevents your gums from healing properly after any damage.

As a smoker, you are twice as likely to develop gum disease. That risk increases in proportion to how many cigarettes you smoke and how long you have been a smoker. Treatment options are usually less effective as well.

Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease

Of course, smokers aren't the only people who can get gum disease. According to the CDC, about 47% of adults over 30 have some form of gum disease. That prevalence increases with age up to 70% for adults 65 and older.

You'll want to visit the dentist as soon as possible if you suspect you have gum disease. Knowing the warning signs and symptoms can help you spot gum disease early:

  • Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth
  • Red, swollen, tender, or bleeding gums
  • Receding gums (that pull away from your teeth)
  • Painful chewing or jaw pain
  • Loose or sensitive teeth

Any of these symptoms are an indication that you should schedule a dental appointment. Catching problems early is a key part of preventative dentistry. By dealing with problems now, you can avoid more debilitating issues later.

How Often Should Babies Visit the Dentist?

Many people think that babies and very young children do not need regular dental appointments. After all, their baby teeth will just fall out anyway so what is the point?

Actually, according to the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, your child should have their first dental appointment when their first tooth appears, or no later than their first birthday.

Baby teeth are actually more important than you might think. Baby teeth aid in:

  • Nutrition, by helping a child chew properly
  • Language development, by letting them speak naturally
  • The emergence of permanent teeth, by creating a groove for adult teeth to follow

In summary, baby teeth need support just as much as adult teeth. Plus, getting your child accustomed to the dentist early will alleviate any anxiety about the dentist later in life.

Practicing Good Oral Hygiene

Suppose, even after all this information, you still want to reduce the frequency of how often you visit the dentist. The absolute minimum you can realistically get away with is visiting once each year. However, with that minimal schedule, good oral hygiene is a must.

The best time to brush your teeth is after meals. However, if you've just had acidic foods or drinks, you may want to wait a bit longer. Acid can weaken tooth enamel and brushing right after can damage it.

You should brush in a circular motion up to the gumline, not the usual vigorous back-and-forth stroke most people use.

Start Flossing

For healthy teeth, flossing is also an absolute must, although most people don't floss, and even fewer people do it often enough. You should floss after every meal to avoid plaque build-up and tooth decay.

When using traditional floss, you'll want to wrap an 18-inch piece around your index fingers and then smoothly push it upwards to remove plaque. Do not use a sawing motion, but rather steady upward and downward motions.

Once you're done, simply discard the floss.

Maintain that Sterling Smile

If your eyes are the window to your soul, then your smile is at least the welcome mat: it draws people in and makes them feel comfortable. If you visit the dentist regularly, you can keep your smile healthy and pristine for years to come.

To protect your teeth properly, browse some of our dental services today.

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