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5 Benefits of Invisalign Aligners

Broadway Cosmetic Dentistry • Dec 12, 2022

Invisalign aligners are a great way to straighten your smile in a quick, discreet way. Read on for more information on Invisalign aligners.

Invisalign Aligners, dentist in Tarrytown NY

Did you know that 90% of people have teeth that are slightly maloccluded or misaligned? For some, crooked teeth are more of a concern than it is for others.

If you find yourself smiling less because you don't have confidence in your teeth, there are different options for straightening. You could always go the traditional route and get braces, but not everyone wants to flaunt their dental care.

Instead, you can opt for Invisalign aligners. Keep reading to learn five benefits of Invisalign from a dentist in Tarrytown, NY.

1. No Food Restrictions

One of the best things about Invisalign aligners is that they come with fewer food restrictions than braces. This doesn't mean you should go on a sugar bender, still protect your oral health as normal.

When you choose braces over Invisalign, there are food items you shouldn't consume. Some of your favorites might even be on the list, such as:

  • Chewy foods
  • Crunchy foods
  • Sticky foods
  • Hard foods

It's difficult to eat these foods with braces, but you can take your aligners out when you eat if you choose to straighten your teeth with Invisalign.

When you have braces, it's common for bits of food and plaque to get stuck around the brackets. The more food and plaque that builds up, the harder it is to clean properly.

Invisalign allows you to continue your normal dental routine without obstacles. You won't need special equipment to floss and brush.

Before putting your aligners back in, it's important to brush and floss your teeth to get any leftover food out. You can also brush and clean the inside of the aligners to remove bacteria and foods.

A clean mouth is a healthy mouth and Invisalign can help improve your dental hygiene.

2. Virtually Invisible

The main reason people choose Invisalign for straightening is that aligners are virtually invisible. Some people think braces look unappealing. While this usually isn't an issue for kids and teens, adults might not want braces.

With Invisalign, you don't have to worry about anyone seeing brackets or wires when you smile. You can still smile confidently while straightening your teeth.

Not only are they invisible, but people find them more comfortable than traditional braces. Metal brackets have sharp edges that might dig and cut into your cheeks and lips, leaving sores that aren't easy to heal.

Removable aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth. The high-quality resin and smooth edges ensure comfort when you wear them.

During your treatment, you will receive a set of aligners that adjust to your teeth over time. Professionals time the movement of your teeth and prepare new aligners to create comfortable sequences.

3. Fixes Dental Problems

Crooked teeth cause more than cosmetic oral problems. When your teeth are crooked, you are at risk of other dental issues.

For instance, crowded teeth and widely spaced teeth can raise your risk of gum disease because your gums won't fit around your teeth. Removable aligners not only straighten your teeth but help reduce:

  • Gum inflammation
  • Bad breath
  • Chipping teeth
  • Tooth sensitivity

Aligners may also be able to fix minor overbites and underbites. Abnormal bites can cause problems like gum infections, irregular tooth erosion, jaw aches, chewing issues, and more.

Correcting your bite with Invisalign aligners will lower your risk of these dental problems.

4. Fewer Dental Visits

You'll need to frequently visit the orthodontist to adjust braces. The visits include tightening, replacing, and removing brackets, as well as changing wire sizes. Depending on your oral situation, you might spend hours at these dental visits.

You'll still need to go to appointments when you have Invisalign aligners, but you won't need to visit the dentist as frequently. Visits are also less intrusive and much shorter.

For example, when you are getting braces for the first time, a lot of extensive evaluation is required. Invisalign doesn't use invasive measures to detail teeth.

Dentists can use advanced 3D scanning technology to take a full scan of your teeth without impressions, x-rays, and other methods. The scans make 3D prints used to create individualized aligners.

Most likely, you'll need to visit the dentist between four and six weeks after having the aligners, but you should already have a set of aligners to switch between every two weeks.

Invisalign aligners are planned and created ahead of time, so you won't need extra dental work to allow them to correct your teeth.

5. Shorter Treatment Time

Traditional braces take anywhere from 16 to 18 months to straighten teeth. Some can take up to two years or longer. Either way, it's a long time to wait to have straight teeth.

Traditional braces take longer than removable aligners because they don't have precise movements planned out. Most Invisalign treatments only take about a year.

A year of treatment goes by in a flash, especially if people hardly notice that you are wearing any aligners. If you don't wear your aligners as much as recommended, your treatment will take longer.

Are Invisalign Aligners Right for You?

A dentist in Tarrytown, NY can tell you if Invisalign aligners are right for you. If you want a quicker and virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth, ask if you are a candidate for this method.

With Invisalign, you benefit from no food restrictions, less risk of dental problems, fewer dental visits, and shorter treatment times.

Some of these benefits you are unable to reap when you opt for braces. However, both methods can help with the end goal of straighter teeth.

Ready to get started? Book an appointment with us online.

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