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Tips for Caring for Porcelain Dental Veneers

Broadway Cosmetic Dentistry • Jun 27, 2023

Porcelain dental veneers dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth. Here are some tips for maintaining your beautiful new smile.

porcelain dental veneers

The number of people investing in porcelain dental veneers is up 20% since the beginning of 2020. People are upgrading their smiles with the power of cosmetic dentistry! Are you thinking about joining them?

Getting dental veneers is exciting, but it's important that you know how to take care of them once they're in place. After all, they're an investment, and you want to take care of that investment.

Proper care will help your veneers last longer.

We're here to talk about what you should be doing to keep your dental veneers in good condition for years to come. Read on to learn more.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Sometimes, when people get their porcelain veneers, they assume that they no longer have to take care of their teeth as much. After all, the porcelain isn't going to decay, right?

That's technically true, but there's still a natural tooth under each veneer. You can still experience tooth decay, and that will mean that all of the money you spent on your gorgeous new dental veneers will go to waste.

In other words, you should continue to maintain excellent oral hygiene after you get your veneers. 

Brush your teeth at least twice per day and floss at least once per day. If you're not used to flossing, it may be uncomfortable at first, but you will adapt.

Use a non-abrasive fluoridated toothpaste and a soft-bristle toothbrush to avoid scratching the surface of the veneers. You can also use mouthwash for an extra clean and healthy smile. 

If you're unsure about how to keep your veneers as clean as possible, don't hesitate to ask your dentist. They can tell you all about proper oral hygiene with your porcelain veneers.

Avoid Foods and Drinks That Stain

Veneers are stain-resistant, but they're not stain-proof. They also can't be whitened like natural teeth. Make sure you're doing your best to avoid any foods or drinks that could stain them. 

Certain foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and even berries, can stain your veneers over time. Limit your consumption of these items, or if you choose to indulge, rinse your mouth with water afterward.

It's also helpful to keep a toothbrush on hand so you can brush after eating or drinking something that could stain your teeth. You don't have to omit those foods from your diet, but be cautious. 

Avoid Tobacco Products

On that note, you should also avoid tobacco products after getting your dental veneers.

Of course, you should avoid tobacco products regardless of whether or not you have veneers. Over 16 million Americans are living with diseases caused by using tobacco, so protecting your teeth is just another reason to avoid those products!

This includes both smoking and chewing tobacco products. Both can stain your teeth and lead to other tooth and gum conditions. Your mouth will be fresher, healthier, and overall nicer without them!

Be Careful With Hard or Sticky Foods

Porcelain dental veneers are strong and sturdy, but you still want to exercise caution when you're eating certain foods. If you'd be cautious about a certain food with your natural teeth, exercise the same caution with your dental veneers.

Extremely hard or sticky foods are the main ones you want to avoid. Don't chomp down on hard candies or eat anything that is difficult to remove from your teeth (like certain gummies, for example). 

You don't have to omit those foods from your diet! You should be aware of any potential risks and eat them carefully. Again, when in doubt, talk to your dentist about any concerns.

Consider Wearing a Mouthguard for Certain Activities

Do you play any type of physical sport? You may want to consider wearing a mouthguard.

Some people think that their veneers are strong enough to withstand anything. Again, veneers are durable and sturdy, but they're not impossible to crack, chip, or otherwise break. Things happen!

If you're playing a contact sport, wear a mouthguard. It's the safest option even for people who don't have veneers and mouthguards are easily accessible at many stores. You could also have your dentist make you a custom one for a more comfortable fit. 

Avoid Grinding or Clenching

Many people grind or clench their teeth. Some do it as a result of stress while awake while others only grind or clench at night. Clenching and grinding can damage your teeth and your veneers.

Constant clenching or grinding can strain the jaw muscles, leaving them feeling tired or tight. You may notice muscle tension, discomfort, or even difficulty in opening and closing your mouth fully. You may also notice tension headaches and tooth sensitivity. 

You may also notice signs of wear over time.

If you catch onto any of these signs, talk to your dentist about the possibility of getting a custom-fit nightguard. 

Continue Regular Appointments With Your Dentist

Don't forget to keep up with your normal dental appointments! Your dentist is your top resource when it comes to keeping your teeth healthy and your veneers in good condition. 

Schedule regular check-ups with your dentist for professional cleanings and examinations. Your dentist will ensure the integrity of your veneers and address any concerns right away. Most dentists recommend two check-ups per year, but you should discuss the ideal schedule for you with your dentist. 

Keep Your Porcelain Dental Veneers in Great Condition

Your porcelain dental veneers look great! Let's keep it that way. These tips will help you keep your porcelain pearly whites looking and feeling fantastic for years to come. 

Remember, you should take care of your dental veneers as if they were your normal teeth. 

Are you looking for cosmetic dentistry in Tarrytown, NY? At Broadway Cosmetic Dentistry, our team is ready to help you upgrade your smile. Contact us to set up an appointment today.

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